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audience31)      Once you attain an audience, you want your audience to truly listen to you.  If you can draw them in to what you are saying, they will engage and will naturally devote their mind to you.  Essentially their time.  To them, it’s just a few minutes of listening or watching, so, not a huge obligation.  They become willing to give a little, if they know they will receive a lot.  Once they are engaged and are participating with their mind, by visualizing you and your story, you have achieved step one.

2)      Emotions are the cornerstone of most relationships.  Think about purchasing something substantial, like your home, you have to feel the connection.  How about a new suit, you have to love it, or you leave it.  Maybe you are considering a new pet, no question there, emotions are definitely involved.  So why would a business relationship be any different?  People want to feel connected in some way to anyone they do business with.  Once their feelings are invested, they are now eager to attain more of this new found feeling, which comes from the answers & solutions you provide.  Step two, achieved.

3)      Picture this; you are the epitome of authenticity.  You are letting down your walls and being the most vulnerable you can possibly be.  You are letting everyone see “the woman behind the curtain,” because you know that you would be undermining your audience by not giving them your all.  Now, have you ever wanted what someone else has?  Have you ever listened to someone’s unbridled joy or someone’s story of overcoming major adversity, and you think, wow, I want to feel that way too!  Once you’ve established want & desire in your mind, you will stop at almost nothing to attain that something.  Now your audience is willing to take action, the most powerful, step 3.

Powerful Women Revealed.  Your platform for marketing you and your business, authentically.